Tuesday, April 30, 2013

On the Bookshelf - Confessions of a Hungry Woman

Despite not having finished reading it yet, I just had to share my latest cookbook purchase because I am enjoying it so much. I'm having a tell someone, well tell everyone, moment. Introducing Confessions of a Hungry Woman
My nose is firmly in this book
I happened to have the privilege of meeting Sam Woulidge last year after winning a bloggers and foodie dinner invite to the One&Only. We got the chatting about our shared love of "trashy" tv, I will not expose us by naming the said Brit reality tv show. I can attest that Sam is as warm, friendly and funny in person as she sounds in her book and on her blog.

Confessions of a Hungry Woman is (based on the 60 odd pages I've read) a compilation of stories and recipes by Sam's friends including Kamini Pather, Reuben Riffel and Karen Dudley (of A Week in the Kitchen and The Kitchen in Cpt see review here). I love that it's not just a cookbook it's pages of insights into Sam's life. I feel like I'm peeping through a window watching a friend busying in the kitchen in anticipation of my arrival. It's honest, humorous and sometimes heart wrenching and tear jerking (read the prayer of the passion fruit).

It's a book that I will be gifting in abundance, starting with my friend Thithi (of teeteeiswithme) who will appreciate this style of cookbook. Reading it makes me crave travelling and savouring new flavours. Thank you Sam!

I know that Confessions of a Hungry Woman is available at Exclusive Books and online at Yuppiechef. Happy reading!

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